Woman of Willpower

Aulia Ichsan Rifkyano
2 min readJun 17, 2020


Hey it’s my first 17th writing here. I think I’ll give you a little surprise at the end. So my dear if you see this, enjoy. I have a little surprise waiting for you at the end. Read the whole thing first ahaha. Here goes nothing:

I know it is going to sound weird, but it is just how to express my feelings towards you. Let us have some flashbacks about where we have been or what we’ve done. Over the past 6 years, we visited many places in or out of town. Various restaurants have been visited too. Even the small coffee shops that have just opened would be a great spot for us to put it in the story. You like it when we visit those places before anyone else or before the place becomes mainstream. Of course that is very understandable; you want to be one of the pioneer of places, not following the trend. Unlike many people, you don’t really post something unless they look good, or catchy.

As far as 2020, you seem to get stronger each day. More and more obstacle hit you every single day, yet you manage to get through all of them. Although you sometime complain, to me they were stories you need to get out of your chest(that’s why please just let me know about some things so maybe myself can give you some assistance). Neither of us like it when one gets hurt or sick right? I know that you don’t like it when you get pressured, so sorry if you have felt like that so many times. Not my intention to make you feel or get treated like that. Too many times no apologies were spoken from my mouth and that bothers me too right now. I am sorry for all of those times you get hurt and no actions were taken by me. Almost every day now my mind is occupied by those thoughts you.

So once again sorry if you were treated badly. You have the rights to be treated as a woman that has a special place in my heart. Another reason to treat you with care is so that’ you won’t let go. I won’t like it when you let me go; it will hurt a lot. Right now all that’s running through my mind is keeping you here; treasuring you. All that matters is you are safe and sound.

Anyways have you found it yet? Unless you didn’t read them or didn’t catch it, then you should be fine. Let’s give you a little hint. It starts in every sentence. As soon as you re-read them again, you’ll get it.

Woman of Willpower
Day 4

